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32 lines
663 B

set -uo pipefail
# NetworkManager
pacman -Q networkmanager &> /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ]; then
echo ":: Enabling NetworkManager"
systemctl enable NetworkManager.service
# Cups
pacman -Q cups &> /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ]; then
echo ":: Enabling CUPS"
systemctl enable org.cups.cupsd.service
pacman -Q avahi &> /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ]; then
systemctl disable systemd-resolved.service
cat /etc/nsswitch.conf | grep mdns_minimal &> /dev/null
if [ $? = 1 ]; then
sed -i \
'/hosts/s/resolve \[\!UNAVAIL=return\] dns/mdns_minimal \[NOTFOUND\=return\] &/' \
systemctl enable avahi-daemon