#!/bin/bash set -Eeuo pipefail shopt -s extglob # TODO: Add help message # TODO: Add parameter to set $DOWNLOADS_DIR DOWNLOADS_DIR="$HOME/Downloads/os" URL="https://downloads.raspberrypi.org/os_list_imagingutility_v2.json" shopt -s expand_aliases alias fzf='fzf --height="10" --layout="reverse"' check_available_space() { df "$DOWNLOADS_DIR" -h --output="avail" | tail -n +2 } list_removable_devices() { # see https://askubuntu.com/a/168654 for device in /sys/block/*; do info=$(udevadm info --query=property --path="$device") if grep -q ^ID_BUS=usb <<<"$info"; then grep DEVNAME <<<"$info" | cut -d '=' -f2 fi done } download() { printf "Will download %s in %s\nDownload size: %s\nAvailable space: %s\n\n" \ "$1" "$DOWNLOADS_DIR" "$2" "$(check_available_space)" read -rp "Continue? [Y/n]" continue continue=${continue:-Y} if [[ $continue =~ [yY] ]]; then echo "Downloading..." curl -o "$DOWNLOADS_DIR/$1" "$3" else exit 1; fi } compare_checksum() { echo "Checking sha256 hashes" sum=$(sha256sum "$1" | cut -f 1 -d ' ') if [ "$sum" = "$2" ]; then echo "Checksum matches" else echo "Checksum doesn't match. Remove file and download again" exit 1 fi } extract() { printf "Will extract %s in %s\nExtracted size: %s\nAvailable space: %s\n\n" \ "$1" "$DOWNLOADS_DIR" "$2" "$(check_available_space)" read -rp "Continue? [Y/n]" continue continue=${continue:-Y} if [[ $continue =~ [yY] ]]; then echo "Extracting..." unxz --keep "$DOWNLOADS_DIR/$1" else exit 1; fi } flash() { sudo dd bs=4M status=progress oflag=sync if="$1" of="$2" } # TODO: Improve this messy filter read -rd '' FILTER << EOF || true (.os_list[] | select(has("url"))), (.os_list[] | select(.subitems) | .subitems[]) | select(any(.name; contains("Raspberry Pi OS"))) | { name, url, extract_sha256, extract_size: (.extract_size / 1024 / 1024 | round), image_download_size: (.image_download_size / 1024 / 1024 | round), release_date } EOF RAW=$(curl --no-progress-meter $URL) JSON=$(jq "$FILTER" <<<"$RAW") printf "Select Raspberry Pi OS Version: " IMAGE_SELECTION=$(echo "$JSON" | jq '.name' | fzf) printf "%s\n" "$IMAGE_SELECTION" IMAGE_SELECTION_CSV=$(echo "$JSON" \ | jq -r ". | select(.name == $IMAGE_SELECTION) | [.name, .release_date, .url, .image_download_size, .extract_size, .extract_sha256 ] | @csv" \ | tr -d '"') declare -a SELECTION_DATA IFS=',' read -ra SELECTION_DATA <<< "$IMAGE_SELECTION_CSV" ARCHIVE_FILENAME=$(basename "${SELECTION_DATA[2]}") IMG_FILENAME=$(basename "$ARCHIVE_FILENAME" .xz) should_download=FALSE should_extract=FALSE # NOTE: This block is a bit redundant, could be improved. echo "Checking for files" if [ -d "$DOWNLOADS_DIR" ]; then if [ -f "$DOWNLOADS_DIR/$IMG_FILENAME" ]; then echo "Found extracted image: $IMG_FILENAME" elif [ -f "$DOWNLOADS_DIR/$ARCHIVE_FILENAME" ]; then should_extract=TRUE else should_download=TRUE; should_extract=TRUE fi else echo "Creading dir: $DOWNLOADS_DIR" mkdir -p "$DOWNLOADS_DIR" should_download=TRUE; should_extract=TRUE fi [ $should_download = TRUE ] && download "$ARCHIVE_FILENAME" "${SELECTION_DATA[3]}M" "${SELECTION_DATA[2]}" [ $should_extract = TRUE ] && extract "$ARCHIVE_FILENAME" "${SELECTION_DATA[4]}M" compare_checksum "$DOWNLOADS_DIR/$IMG_FILENAME" "${SELECTION_DATA[5]}" # NOTE: Is there a cleaner way to do this? DEVICES=$(list_removable_devices) while [ -z "$DEVICES" ]; do read -rp "No removable devices found. Insert one and press enter" DEVICES=$(list_removable_devices) done DEVICE_SELECTION=$(echo "$DEVICES" | fzf) printf "Will flash %s (%s) to %s\n" \ "${SELECTION_DATA[0]}" "${SELECTION_DATA[1]}" "$DEVICE_SELECTION" read -rp "Continue? [Y/n]" confirm confirm=${confirm:-Y} if [[ $confirm =~ [yY] ]]; then echo "Umounting and flashing" if [ -f "$DOWNLOADS_DIR/$IMG_FILENAME" ] && [ -b "$DEVICE_SELECTION" ]; then for partition in "$DEVICE_SELECTION"?*; do sudo umount "$partition" || true done flash "$DOWNLOADS_DIR/$IMG_FILENAME" "$DEVICE_SELECTION" sync else exit 1 fi else exit 1 fi sudo mkdir -p /mnt/raspi-flash sudo mount "$DEVICE_SELECTION"1 /mnt/raspi-flash read -rp "Enable SSH? [Y/n]" enable_ssh enable_ssh=${enable_ssh:-Y} if [[ $enable_ssh =~ [yY] ]]; then sudo touch /mnt/raspi-flash/ssh fi read -rp "Configure wpa_supplicant? [Y/n]" enable_wifi enable_wifi=${enable_wifi:-Y} if [[ $enable_wifi =~ [yY] ]]; then read -rp "Network name: " ssid read -rsp "Password (hidden): " psk printf "\n" read -rp "Country (Two letters. Example: AR): " country [ -f /mnt/raspi-flash/wpa_supplicant.conf ] && \ sudo rm /mnt/raspi-flash/wpa_supplicant.conf sudo bash -c 'cat > /mnt/raspi-flash/wpa_supplicant.conf' < /mnt/raspi-flash/userconf.txt' <