#if defined(__AVR_ATmega168__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega328P__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega88) || defined(__AVR_ATmega8__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega88__) /* Onboard LED is connected to pin PB5 in Arduino NG, Diecimila, and Duemilanove */ #define LED_DDR DDRB #define LED_PORT PORTB #define LED_PIN PINB #define LED PINB5 /* Ports for soft UART */ #ifdef SOFT_UART #define UART_PORT PORTD #define UART_PIN PIND #define UART_DDR DDRD #define UART_TX_BIT 1 #define UART_RX_BIT 0 #endif #endif #if defined(__AVR_ATmega8__) //Name conversion R.Wiersma #define UCSR0A UCSRA #define UDR0 UDR #define UDRE0 UDRE #define RXC0 RXC #define FE0 FE #define TIFR1 TIFR #define WDTCSR WDTCR #endif /* Luminet support */ #if defined(__AVR_ATtiny84__) /* Red LED is connected to pin PA4 */ #define LED_DDR DDRA #define LED_PORT PORTA #define LED_PIN PINA #define LED PINA4 /* Ports for soft UART - left port only for now. TX/RX on PA2/PA3 */ #ifdef SOFT_UART #define UART_PORT PORTA #define UART_PIN PINA #define UART_DDR DDRA #define UART_TX_BIT 2 #define UART_RX_BIT 3 #endif #endif /* Sanguino support */ #if defined(__AVR_ATmega644P__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__) /* Onboard LED is connected to pin PB0 on Sanguino */ #define LED_DDR DDRB #define LED_PORT PORTB #define LED_PIN PINB #define LED PINB1 /* Ports for soft UART */ #ifdef SOFT_UART #define UART_PORT PORTD #define UART_PIN PIND #define UART_DDR DDRD #define UART_TX_BIT 1 #define UART_RX_BIT 0 #endif #endif /* Mega support */ #if defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) /* Onboard LED is connected to pin PB7 on Arduino Mega */ #define LED_DDR DDRB #define LED_PORT PORTB #define LED_PIN PINB #define LED PINB7 /* Ports for soft UART */ #ifdef SOFT_UART #define UART_PORT PORTE #define UART_PIN PINE #define UART_DDR DDRE #define UART_TX_BIT 1 #define UART_RX_BIT 0 #endif #endif